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November 11, 2007


J. C.

Hello Rebecca. I'm a repeat customer and have given a lot of other friends and brides your website. As most of the posts above have said, weddings are pretty much about "me" mentality. It's hardly ever that anyone looks outside themselves for helping. I'm glad you are helping young girls better themselves by tapping into the million/billion dollar wedding industry and giving them a skill that they can use. Keep up the good work, and I hope that you guys can add veils and silk gloves to the product line, to give more business to the girls. Thank you for all your humanitarian efforts and looking beyond.


After searching the internet for custom works in silk & pink ribbons to use as a high-end fundraising item, I came across your website. As another who is devoted to philanthropic works, I applaud your dedication to "giving something back". If everyone would do something, not for personal gain, but just for the betterment of mankind, what a wonderful world this could be! Thank you for making a difference, for caring, for setting the example and for believing that everyone deserves a lifetime!
In strength, hope, courage & faith....


I, like many others, found White Aisle while scouring the Internet for wedding inspiration. Instead, I found something much more important and enlightening. After reading through your travel blog on Cambodia and the amazing work you are doing to help humanity, I feel humbled. Thank you for sharing your journeys and experiences with us all. You are AMAZING and I agree with Krista -- your compassion is undeniable. I will most definitely supporting you and the Daughters program through purchasing items from your store and will share with everyone I know your websites and work. Thank you again and God bless you and all those who's lives you touch.


I admit that I visited whiteaisle.com with the intentions of just looking for the 'perfect' pair of earrings for my wedding day. I've searched online all day...wasting hours upon hours of time with my vain ambition. It's 9:45 PM and this was my last stop. I was immediately impressed with your website and products, but I am even more touched by your outreach projects. Your compassion and selflessness with others is undeniable. I commend you for your work and will be buying products from you in support. Thank you for allowing me to see the need and for allowing me to step out of this self consumed, wedding planning world I've been absorbed in. My prayers are with you!


thanks for posting this. i'm a cambodian american and i visited Choeung Ek for the first time 2 years ago. it was incredibly heartbreaking.

a soon-to-be bride in the wedding planning process, i'm overwhelmed by all the consumerism and lavishness of american weddings, and how it juxtaposts the broken history where my family comes from. but seeing your blog and reading about your work in cambodia gives me some reconciliation that people who work in the wedding planning industry have a heart for humanity too.

thank you.

Christine Garrison

I sat here reading this in tears. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the children at Steung Meanchey is also a grim reminder of the link between peace and justice. These kids are going to be the next generation to inflict misery on Cambodia if we don't find a way to help them out of that garbage heap.


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